Thursday, July 11, 2013

Two Whole Radishes!

My last post, dated July 11th, was actually written in the beginning of June. I didn't post it because I though it was dumb. Well I've decided I don't really care. I'm not the best writer in the world and my thoughts tend to be confusing and or boring but this is me. So here I am! 

Interestingly enough since that post my garden has managed to grow some shabby arugala, two radishes, and three impresive looking pea plants. The parallel continues. God can bear fruit in my life. My pride, selfishness, and all the other wicked things, He already dealt with. He just wants me to let Him plant. 

And This Is How My Brain Works

I'm finding that lately I'm having and incredible lack of inspiration. God is still working and moving in my heart but at this moment it is inexpressible. Aside from that my life seems to be pretty boring.  I have been working on the same knitting project for over a month now. I keep ripping it out and starting over because I seem to find it impossible to let any small imperfection slide. I have also recently started a small garden. However I will be shocked if anything actually grows seeing as I somehow decided it would be a good idea to plant it on the side of the house that gets the least amount of sun. Not only that, but this morning when I left for work I noticed someone had left a large boot print right in the middle of my little plot. Who would do that?? If, by some miracle, something does manage to grow I will be sure to post pictures promptly.

As I'm writing this I'm starting to see parallels between my two projects and my life. When things aren't  perfect, whether they be in my life or in the lives of people I am close to, I have an irresistible urge to tear the entire work apart. Unlike knitting, however, it is not so easy to start from scratch. 

The garden is like my heart. God has planted little seeds there. Those seeds are the fruits of the Spirit. I want so badly for them to spring up. I can feel them yearning for the sun and straining towards it. What so often keeps them from reaching its light, where they can grow and flourish, are the giant boots of pride and selfishness. They stop right down an squish those good seeds.

I don't know if any of that makes sense but this is how I process things. I guess it's just how my brain works.