Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Moving, Memories, and Mint Chip

The Lord has been answering a big prayer for us lately. Between the two of us, Seth and I have a large amount of debt through student loans. The Lord had been so faithful in providing for us to continue to make our minimum payments, but we just haven't been able to make any headway. Our desire is to be in full time ministry. What that means or looks like, I'm not quite sure but whatever it is, it's not a door that God has opened for us yet. Instead we are both working full time jobs to pay the bills.  Even though we know that all things are possible with God and we are so blessed to have work, I would be lying if I said that we didn't fear that we will be doing this for the rest of our lives in order to get out of debt. Lord teach us to trust!!

Recently God opened a door for us to move into a small cabin next to the church. We will save quite a bit of money by moving there. This will enable us to put what we save toward paying off our loans. The location is also a lot better for us. Even though our apartment is less than two miles away from my work, it's close to 15 miles outside of town which is not only where Seth works, but also where the church is, and where most of our friends and family live. So we will cut down a lot on travel time... not to mention gas. We don't know how long this door will stay open for us and we are praying that God will help us to manage our money wisely so that we can make the most of this time.

I am extremely blessed that God opened this door. However, as I tend to be overly sentimental, I am sad as well. I moved into the apartment that Seth and I are living in now a little over two years ago. A couple from our church had remodeled the bottom floor of their house and turned it into the cutest little living space. This couple was kind enough to allow me and my cousin to move in and it was my first real home, aside from a dorm room, away from my parents. When Seth and I got married my cousin moved out, Seth moved in, and we have been making it our home ever since. I have so many happy memories there and I'm finding it a little bit hard to leave. I also LOVE the couple that lives upstairs. They have been so good to us and I will miss them.

Although Seth likes the apartment and he will also be sad to leave our upstairs neighbors, he is struggling to understand my feelings. As sentimental as I am, Seth is the most unsentimental person I have ever met! He sees moving as the most logical thing we can do, which it is, and so he is completely ecstatic about it with no reservations whatsoever. This situation has been an opportunity for both of us to learn a little bit more about each other. Though Seth was taken off guard by my reaction to moving, he has been wonderfully understanding and sensitive. I appreciate his willingness to acknowledge my feelings, even if he doesn't understand them. I pray that I can learn how to do the same for him! Something I have realized as well is that I would go anywhere with him. He's going to be there, so no matter what, it's going to be home. This was a happy discovery for me to make. I think it made him happy too!

We will be moving within the first few weeks of April and as the days go by, despite my initial reservations, I am getting more and more excited. I am looking forward to moving into town. I think it will give us a lot more opportunities to minister, especially since we will be right next door to the church. It will also be nice to have a craving for mint chip ice cream and not have to drive to China to get some.

So this has been a fraction of the thoughts that have been running through my mind about this move and I feel better to have some of them out of my head. Thanks for listening!!

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