Saturday, March 9, 2013

Snowy Saturday

This is the perfect day for my first post! Seth didn't have to work today and I was so excited I woke up at 6:30 this morning. I tried desperately to fall back to sleep but my bladder had other plans. My trip to the bathroom could have been fairly uneventful but our sweet kitty, Judah, has a habit of following me every where. I tried to be sneaky but to no avail. He followed me right into the restroom and then back to bed. This shouldn't have been a problem but now he was awake and decided that Seth needed be too. So my poor husband spend the rest of the morning throwing Judah off of his face. This went on for about an hour and a half before I finally gave up and decided to get out of bed. Seth is a lot more stubborn than I am and stayed for a bit longer.

When I opened the blinds I was delighted to be greeted by a blizzard! There was already five inches and it was still dumping. I ran back into the bedroom, jumped on Seth and yelled "This is going to be such a fun day!!!!" Well it has been. The snow is a perfect excuse not to go anywhere. We are currently enjoying the much needed rest and I have every intention of going outside and building a snow man in about five minutes!

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