Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Thought for Today

Well we're half way through another week! I am so blessed to have a day off during the week, though it always seems to go by faster than any other day. I feel this way especially now that every other week Seth gets off early on my day off and we have an afternoon to spend together. I look forward to those days so much because after the weekend, by Wednesday we've only had a few precious hours together.

The Lord has been so faithful in providing work for both of us but it's a struggle to learn how to make the most of the time we do have together. Something that we've often prayed and talked about is how to spend our time. How can we serve Jesus, and each other the most with the time we have and at the same time not feel stressed about trying to figure it out? How do we let the Lord lead and enjoy the gift of marriage that He's given us?

These are just the thoughts that are running through my head this morning... but Seth just pulled up the driveway so I'm going to go make lunch for my honey and for now that's good enough for me!

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