Friday, April 26, 2013


Our Jello eating, movie marathon weekend has been foiled by the evil pink eye monster. Seth, who rarely gets more than a cold, came home form work Wednesday night with green goop coming out of his eye. This, of course, happened just in time for his surgery which had to be cancelled. We were able to reschedule for next week but I feel bad that Seth is going to have to spend two weekends in a row with some sort of ailment. I'm finding it strange that since we moved into the cabin we've both been sick with one thing or another. I'm hoping that we're just run down and that it has nothing to do with the house. I suppose I should stop hoping and start praying!

Even though the next two weekends will include a lot of down time this past weekend made up for it as far as business goes. It seemed we were running around doing something all weekend. Sunday was exciting because my little sister was able to come out with her singing group from college. It was just one day and I wish the time had been longer but I was so blessed to hear her sing and spend even just a little bit of time with her. It amazes me to see how much her talents have developed and, even though I know it's hard for her to see sometimes, how much God is working in her life. He has blessed her with so many gifts and I can't wait to see how He will continue to use them. I pray that God will teach me how to pray for her and give me the humility to build her up.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

A Small Reprieve After A Busy Move

I've finally found time to sit down and write! It has been a crazy couple weeks. We moved all of our stuff and unpacked 75% of it in one weekend, thanks to my highly motivated husband. Then, I got so sick that I had to miss a weekend trip to see my sister. I was home in my chair for five days. We had no TV and no internet, since we hadn't set it up after the move. The upside to this was that I finished my women's Bible study homework way ahead of schedule, and I learned how to play some video game that Seth likes. It's actually kind of fun!

So far living in the cabin has been great. It's nice being able to walk to our various events at church and I enjoy having people stop by and say hello. We've had fun making it homey. It's quite a bit colder inside than the apartment. We have been keenly aware of the cold, since the two weeks that we've lived here have been the snowiest we've had all winter. It's been a great excuse for cuddling though and I've finally had a chance to wear my slippers!

I am so thankful that I am on the mend now and that we are mostly unpacked because Seth is having his wisdom teeth removed this weekend. As much as it makes me nervous to have him put under anesthesia, and as much as I don't want to see him uncomfortable, I'm kind of looking forward to taking care of him. Since we've been married he's never had more than a little cold while I've had my wisdom teeth out and been really sick. He's taken such good care of me during those times and I'm excited to return the favor. It'll be a movie marathon, Jello filled weekend! Yea baby!

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Mid Moving Meal

Yesterday my mom and I started packing up my kitchen. Since we're not moving until Saturday I made a list of easy dish free meals we could eat for the rest of the week. This morning I realized we hadn't packed up my pots and pans and I thought it would be nice to make one more nice meal before we revert to frozen pizzas. I bought some steaks, a few potatoes, and made up some kale that I had left over in the fridge. As the food began to cook and our mouths started watering I came to a horrible realization. It was true that I had my pots and pans still, but it was also true that all of our silver wear, and our plates were packed and moved. So here we are eating steak with plastic silver wear and paper plates. Oh the sweet memories we are making!

Monday, April 1, 2013

April Fools

It's been a little bit longer than I like since my last post and even now I dint have time to write as much as I would like. We have been busy moving and my mind has been other places. We're still not fully in the cabin yet. It's hard trying to plan moving time around work. I think Seth and I have been working fairly well as a team even though I have been dragging my feet a little bit. I'm just not as motivated as he is but I'm trying to keep up. He's been letting me go mostly at my own pace, which is good because it makes me want to get stuff done just to make him happy.

Despite the mild stress of moving, Easter still proved to be my favorite Holiday. I love everything it represents....from a christian perspective that is. Jesus rising from the dead! He is our hope and salvation! Praise The Lord!
We enjoyed worshiping at the sunrise service, as well as the regular Sunday morning service. We also had a wonderful time with our family.
I'll write more once were all settled and I have a minute to gather my thoughts!

P.S. I'm pregnant.

 April fools!! ;)