Tuesday, April 23, 2013

A Small Reprieve After A Busy Move

I've finally found time to sit down and write! It has been a crazy couple weeks. We moved all of our stuff and unpacked 75% of it in one weekend, thanks to my highly motivated husband. Then, I got so sick that I had to miss a weekend trip to see my sister. I was home in my chair for five days. We had no TV and no internet, since we hadn't set it up after the move. The upside to this was that I finished my women's Bible study homework way ahead of schedule, and I learned how to play some video game that Seth likes. It's actually kind of fun!

So far living in the cabin has been great. It's nice being able to walk to our various events at church and I enjoy having people stop by and say hello. We've had fun making it homey. It's quite a bit colder inside than the apartment. We have been keenly aware of the cold, since the two weeks that we've lived here have been the snowiest we've had all winter. It's been a great excuse for cuddling though and I've finally had a chance to wear my slippers!

I am so thankful that I am on the mend now and that we are mostly unpacked because Seth is having his wisdom teeth removed this weekend. As much as it makes me nervous to have him put under anesthesia, and as much as I don't want to see him uncomfortable, I'm kind of looking forward to taking care of him. Since we've been married he's never had more than a little cold while I've had my wisdom teeth out and been really sick. He's taken such good care of me during those times and I'm excited to return the favor. It'll be a movie marathon, Jello filled weekend! Yea baby!

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