Monday, April 1, 2013

April Fools

It's been a little bit longer than I like since my last post and even now I dint have time to write as much as I would like. We have been busy moving and my mind has been other places. We're still not fully in the cabin yet. It's hard trying to plan moving time around work. I think Seth and I have been working fairly well as a team even though I have been dragging my feet a little bit. I'm just not as motivated as he is but I'm trying to keep up. He's been letting me go mostly at my own pace, which is good because it makes me want to get stuff done just to make him happy.

Despite the mild stress of moving, Easter still proved to be my favorite Holiday. I love everything it represents....from a christian perspective that is. Jesus rising from the dead! He is our hope and salvation! Praise The Lord!
We enjoyed worshiping at the sunrise service, as well as the regular Sunday morning service. We also had a wonderful time with our family.
I'll write more once were all settled and I have a minute to gather my thoughts!

P.S. I'm pregnant.

 April fools!! ;)

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