Friday, April 26, 2013


Our Jello eating, movie marathon weekend has been foiled by the evil pink eye monster. Seth, who rarely gets more than a cold, came home form work Wednesday night with green goop coming out of his eye. This, of course, happened just in time for his surgery which had to be cancelled. We were able to reschedule for next week but I feel bad that Seth is going to have to spend two weekends in a row with some sort of ailment. I'm finding it strange that since we moved into the cabin we've both been sick with one thing or another. I'm hoping that we're just run down and that it has nothing to do with the house. I suppose I should stop hoping and start praying!

Even though the next two weekends will include a lot of down time this past weekend made up for it as far as business goes. It seemed we were running around doing something all weekend. Sunday was exciting because my little sister was able to come out with her singing group from college. It was just one day and I wish the time had been longer but I was so blessed to hear her sing and spend even just a little bit of time with her. It amazes me to see how much her talents have developed and, even though I know it's hard for her to see sometimes, how much God is working in her life. He has blessed her with so many gifts and I can't wait to see how He will continue to use them. I pray that God will teach me how to pray for her and give me the humility to build her up.

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